My Top 5 Home Workout Equipment for Endurance Athletes

Ever since COVID, the amount of people working out from home has increased! If you aren’t someone with a tricked out home gym and not into going to the gym, for endurance athletes, there are many types of simple equipment you can use at home. Here are my top 5 home workout equipment for endurance athletes. These are inexpensive, easy to come by, & make strength training quick & simple to include in your program.

Your own body weight. This is by far the least expensive piece of equipment, right? Body weight exercises can be very effective for developing muscular endurance and muscular balance. From push ups (and variations) and pull/chin ups, to lunges, squats, plyometric work, and all sorts of core strengthening, we come ready-made to create our own resistance. This may also be your best bet if you’re just starting out in your strength training journey.

Mini-bands. These are small resistance bands that provide a ton of options. They can be used for traditional lifting moves (like deadlifts, biceps curls, triceps extensions), as well as many different types of activation exercises (glute work). They are inexpensive and versatile. Here’s my favorite brand. This set has different resistance levels.

Handled Resistance Bands. These long tube-like bands are great for exercises such as rows, biceps curls, resisted squat and lunge work, partner exercises, overhead work, core work. Really the list goes on. The are inexpensive, and come in sets that provide a wide variety of resistance options.

Pull Up Assist Bands. These longer, thicker looped bands are traditionally used to assist with pull ups, but their use goes way beyond that. Again, they are inexpensive and come in sets of varying resistance and can be used for just about any resistance exercise. They can be used in addition to or instead of handled bands.

TRX Trainers. Although a bit more expensive than the above, they provide a new level of challenge and fun. They easily attach to a door or can be used outdoors.

Get creative! You can use gallon water bottles for weights, canned food, or even detergent bottles. The possibilities are endless! Adding strength training to your program at home has never been easier. Who needs a gym, right?! Becoming a stronger athlete just got easier!

Looking to step it up? Start with a couple of set of dumbbells – light and one a bit heavier. Kettlebells are super versatile too!

If you’re looking for guidance in adding strength to your training program for your next 50k – check out my Relentless Training Program for the 50k!

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